Graduate Teaching Assistant, Oregon State University Fall 2022-Current
Introductory Biology I BI204 (eCampus) Fall 2023, Fall 2024
Fundamental biology core course for undergraduates. Lead two sections (=144 students), graded all laboratory assignments and discussion boards. Maintained Canvas page and adjusted necessary settings when problems arrived. Communicated with students daily and facilitated discussion Q&A boards. Fall 2024 became TA mentor which includes overseeing other TAs of the series and facilitating coordination across all sections.
Curriculum Development of Difference, Power and Oppression Ocean Justice Summer 2024
Course development for a new core course titled “Ocean Justice” intended to be a 300-level required course for all marine biology/zoology majors. I was tasked with building a syllabus, ten major topics to fill the 10-week quarter term structure and find as many resources as possible for each topic. Sourced as many diverse authors of literature and media to include in the new inclusive curriculum.
Introductory Biology II BI205 (eCampus) Winter 2024
Fundamental biology core course for undergraduates. Lead two sections (=102 students), graded all laboratory assignments and discussion boards. Maintained Canvas page and adjusted necessary settings when problems arrived. Communicated with students daily and facilitated discussion Q&A boards.
Marine Biology and Ecology BI450 Spring 2023, Spring 2024
This is a 10-week 15-unit course that fully immerses the marine biology undergraduates in the course. The students live at Hatfield Marine Science Center for the entire term and only take this one course. I taught 4 of the 10 weeks that include Phycology, Fishes, and Community Ecology. I taught with Sarah Henkel, Su Sponaugle, and Bruce Menge respective to each section. I gave two main lectures on Algal Ecology and Data Visualization and led two large discussions before research field trips. I lead field trips in the intertidal and on the R/V Elakha and lead lab experiments in Phycology and Fishes. I designed new curriculum for the lab on brown algae and created a modified game of Guess Who to help the students learn the scientific names and their identifying morphology. I lead at least one group through their final term projects and help all groups with experimental design and statistical analysis.
Principles of Biology: Organisms BI222 Winter 2023
Taught two lab sections: one section as a lead and one section as an assist. Main tasks include preparing lectures, lab set up, and grading assignments and long-term projects. The long-term CURE (Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience) for this course involved exposing Aiptasia (weedy anemones) to varying environmental conditions and tracking its physiology throughout the course. I assisted the students with experimental design and led them through data analysis at the end of the term. The final projects for this term required each team of students to present a final poster to their peers across multiple sections.
Principles of Biology: Cells BI221 Fall 2022
Taught two lab sections: one section as a lead and one section as an assist. Main tasks include preparing lectures, lab set up, and grading assignments and long-term projects. The long-term CURE (Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience) for this course involved tracking local nematode populations and exposing them to varying environmental conditions while also examining their genetics. I assisted the students with experimental design and led them through data analysis at the end of the term. The final projects for this term required each of students to present a final 15-minute oral presentation to their peers.
Graduate Teaching Associate, CSU Fullerton
Introductory Biology Laboratory Fall 2018-Spring 2020
Taught two lab sections a semester. Main tasks included preparing lectures, lab set up, grading assignments and long-term projects, and assisted students with hands on labs that include working with live invertebrates and bacteria. Conducted office hours virtually via ZOOM and in person.
Introductory Biology Laboratory Hybrid/Fully Online Spring 2020-Spring 2021
Lab hybrid involved less time physically in the lab and more time online. Fully online instruction began during COVID-19 pandemic and involved full transition of lab course to a virtual setting. Main tasks included creating and adjusting online access to biology topics and adapting assignments for online completion.
Introductory Biology Laboratory Fall 2018-Spring 2020
Taught two lab sections a semester. Main tasks included preparing lectures, lab set up, grading assignments and long-term projects, and assisted students with hands on labs that include working with live invertebrates and bacteria. Conducted office hours virtually via ZOOM and in person.
Introductory Biology Laboratory Hybrid/Fully Online Spring 2020-Spring 2021
Lab hybrid involved less time physically in the lab and more time online. Fully online instruction began during COVID-19 pandemic and involved full transition of lab course to a virtual setting. Main tasks included creating and adjusting online access to biology topics and adapting assignments for online completion.