Angelina Zuelow

MSc in Biology | PhD Student Integrative Biology

Affiliations and Current Leadership Positions

Current Leadership Positions

Western Society of Naturalists Student Committee Chair                              November 2022-Current
Assist with planning annual meetings each year. Officially in charge of coordinating entire student committee members and all student related events at the conference including student symposium, student workshop and student mixers. We are also in charge of student travel award judging and dispersing funds to awardees. I was previously in charge of merchandise and coordinating undergraduate events in 2023. We meet monthly as a committee and as a larger group with the entire secretariat.

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science            2021-Current
Oregon State University Official National Organization Chapter 
Officer Positions Held: Vice President 2021-2022, Co-President 2022-2023, Graduate Student Chair 2024-2025 

Currently serve as the graduate chair of the chapter. I assist with year-round fundraising efforts to send students from all scientific disciplines to the national SACNAS conference each year. We raise enough funds to send ~20 students each year. I also assist with planning professional development workshops and social gatherings that welcome students from all backgrounds and all colleges/departments at OSU to facilitate networking and interdisciplinary scientific developments.

Hatfield Student Organization                                                                                   2024-Current
Oregon State University Officer Position (Swag/Fundraising Officer) 
Tasked with coordinating all merchandise purchases/sales, bookkeeping quarterly and maintaining inventory and facilitating collaboration with Hatfield community events such as Science on Tap, Marine Science Day and Intern Symposium events. 

Integrative Biology Graduate Student Association                                                    2021-Current
Equity, Justice and Inclusion Committee (Student Rep: 2021-2023, Chair: 2023-Current) 
Currently serve as the one of the graduate chairs of the committee. We meet every other month to discuss equity justice and inclusion issues impacting both local and global systems. We build activities into normal department activities (happy hours, coffee hours, seminars, etc) to educate our colleagues on current issues. We also meet with the larger faculty EJI committee every term to discuss their current activities. Recently, we have been working to build a climate survey to gauge graduate student perceptions and attitude towards department support throughout the program.